Thursday, August 08, 2013

Baptism card

Okay, this is nowhere near what anyone would say screams baptism.  But it's for my 10-month old nephew, who I've taken to calling Donald Trump.  He has so much hair and it always seems to be at the front/top of his head.  He's adorable and all boy, so I wanted to use this cute little puppy. 

10 Minute Craft Dash Challenge

A couple of the blogs I read were involved in a blog hop for the 10 Minute Craft Dash Challenge.  Since I tried this before on my online card class, I knew where I messed up last time.  This time, I had a plan... Which doesn't always translate from my head to paper, but oh well.  Only way to get better is to practice.
My first card, I think it needs something, but I couldn't figure out what it was, so I did the dash lines.  I had 11 seconds left.
The second attempt was faster, still not quite happy with it, but I think I like it better than the first.  I had 1:43 left, but decided to quit while I was ahead.  Oh geez, I'd gotten so used to posting from my computer where it auto rotates my pictures, that i forgot i couldn't do that from here.  I'll try to fix it later.